Home of vom Haus Courtland German Shepherds

Are you at the end of your leash?
Love your dog, but not it's behavior?
Do you wish your dog would listen better?
Have you tried training before, but are still frustrated with the lack of results?
Let me help you.
Get the training you need to have the dog you deserve.
Love your dog, but not it's behavior?
Do you wish your dog would listen better?
Have you tried training before, but are still frustrated with the lack of results?
Let me help you.
Get the training you need to have the dog you deserve.
Dogtown K9 Training we care about you and your dog. We understand what you may be going through with your pet. We can help you have a better relationship with your dog.
We are a family owned and run business offering full time training, for family pet, sport dog and K9 behavior. We also offer boarding for the more challenging types. Working sport dogs, Police K9's , and intact males.
Dogtown is a small “Boutique” style board and train kennel. Offering state of the art climate controlled living quarters for your pets comfort. With over 30 years of
experience, and personal service to fit your needs. Our commitment is to
Excellence and helping you and your dog succeed. ..
We welcome dogs of all ages, whether you have brought home a new
puppy or have just welcomed an older dog to your family, and everything in
between. All breeds are welcome. Beginners to Advanced. Training to fit
your needs and busy schedule!

Dogtown K9 Training is proud to be the trainer of Choice for
Pearson Animal Hospital, San Marcos, CA
and personal trainer for Dr. Dorota Pearson, DVM
Pearson Animal Hospital, San Marcos, CA
and personal trainer for Dr. Dorota Pearson, DVM

Recommended by Dr. Thomas Nespor, DVM at
East & West Animal Hospital
750 S Rancho Santa Fe Rd, San Marcos, CA 92078
Teresa is a proud member of these Professional Dog Training Associations.